Meriño M1, Briones L2, Palma V1, Herlitz K1, Escudero C3. Abstract Lipoinflamation is the inflammation generated in the adipose tissue. It can contribute to the development of insulin resistance. The lipoinflammation-associated mechanisms are related to the function of adipocytes an...
Moreno J1, Echeverria J1, Silva A1, Escudero A2, Petzold G1, Mella K1, Escudero C2. Abstract Modern life has created a high demand for functional food, and in this context, emerging technologies such as vacuum impregnation and ohmic heating have been applied to generate functional...
Badillo P1, Salgado P1, Bravo P1, Guevara K1, Acurio J1,2,3, Gonzalez MA4, Oyarzun C5, San Martin R5, Escudero C6,7,8,9. Abstract We aim to investigate whether overweight/obese pregnant women have elevated plasma levels of adenosine associated with increased consumption of high-c...
El encuentro internacional fue organizado por el académico del Departamento de Ciencias Básicas, Dr. Carlos Escudero Orozco, a través del Grupo de Investigación e Innovación en Salud Vascular GRIVAS Health y el Grupo de Investigación en Angiogénesis Tumoral, LFV-GIANT. Entre los expositores...