Marcelo González

Marcelo González


  • Marcelo González, MSc, PhD
  • Vascular Physiology Laboratory-UdeC,
  • Group of Research and Innovation in Vascular Health (GRIVAS Health)
  • Assitant Professor
  • Department of Physiology
  • Faculty of Biological Sciences
  • Universidad de Concepción
  • Concepción, Chile
  • Phone: 56-41-2661206
  • Mobil: 56-9-85263058
  • VRID-Asociativo UDEC (Chile, 2014-2015). «Correlación entre características clínicas, resultados perinatales y marcadores moleculares de disfunción endotelial en pacientes con Diabetes Gestacional» (CoI)
  • FONDECYT 1120148 (Chile, 2012-2015). Evaluation of novel technologies for the extraction, purification and stabilization of natural proanthocyanidins: functionalized as possible phytodrug. (CoI).}
  • FONDEF–IDeA CA12I10374 (Chile, 2012-2014). Bio-obtención de nanopartículas de selenio encapsuladas en polisacáridos para su potencial uso como suplemento alimentario. (CoI).
  • FONDECYT 11100192 (Chile, 2010-2013). «Regulation of expression and activity of hCAT-1 by reactive oxygen species in human endothelium exposed to insulin and high concentrations of D-glucose» (PI).
  • DIUC 211.032.015-1.0 (Chile, 2010/2012). «Participación de Agmatina como Neuromodulador en el Proceso de Tolerancia y Dependencia de Opiaceos» (CoI).
  • DIUC 210.033.103-1.0 (Chile, 2010/2012). «hCATs and NADPH oxidase roles in vascular dysfunction induced by high extracelular D-glucose in human umbilical vein» (PI).
  • Member of the directory of Chilean Society of Physiological Sciences (SChCF). 2012-2014.
  • Ordinary member of Physiological Society, UK. 2010-to date.
  • Full Member of Chilean Society of Pharmacological Sciences (SOFARCHI).
  1. Campos J, Schmeda-Hirschmann G, Leiva E, Guzmán L, Orrego R, Fernández P, González M, Radojkovic C, Zuñiga FA, Lamperti L, Pastene E, Aguayo C. (2014). Lemon grass (Cymbopogon citratus (D.C) Stapf) polyphenols protect human umbilical vein endothelial cell (HUVECs) from oxidative damage induced by high glucose, hydrogen peroxide and oxidised low-density lipoprotein. Food Chemistry 151 (2014) 175–181.
  2. Escudero A, Petzold G, Moreno J, González M, Junod J, Aguayo C, Acurio J, Escudero C. (2013). Supplementation with apple enriched with L-arginine may improve metabolic control and survival rate in alloxan-induced diabetic rats. Biofactors. In Press.
  3. Escudero C, Bertoglia P, Hernadez M, Celis C, González M, Aguayo C, Acurio J. (2013). Impaired A2A adenosine receptor/nitric oxide/VEGF signaling pathway in fetal endothelium during late- and early-onset preeclampsia. Purinergic Signal. 9(2):215-226.
  4. Torres S, Campos V, León C, Rodríguez-Llamazares S, Rojas S, González M, Smith C, Mondaca M. (2012). Biosynthesis of selenium nanoparticles by Pantoeaagglomerans and their antioxidant activity. J Nanopart Res 14:1236.
  5. Díaz-Pérez F, Radojkovic C, Aguilera V, Veas C, González M, Lamperti L, Escudero C, Aguayo C. (2012). L-arginine transport and nitric oxide synthesis in human endothelial progenitor cells. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 60 (5):439-449.
  6. Guzmán-Gutiérrez E, Westermeier F, Salomón C, González M, Pardo F, Leiva A, Sobrevia L. (2012). Insulin-increased L-arginine transport requires A(2A) adenosine receptors activation in human umbilical vein endothelium. PLoS One 7 (7): e41705.
  7. Westermeier F, Salomón C, González M, Puebla C, Guzmán-Gutiérrez E, Cifuentes F, Leiva A, Casanello P, Sobrevia L. (2011). Insulin Restores Gestational Diabetes Mellitus-Reduced Adenosine Transport Involving Differential Expression of Insulin Receptor Isoforms in Human Umbilical Vein Endothelium. Diabetes 60 (6):1677-1687.
  8. Veas CJ, Aguilera VC, Muñoz IJ, Gallardo VI, Miguel PL, González MA, Lamperti LI, Escudero CA, Aguayo CR. (2011). Fetal endothelium dysfunction is associated with circulating maternal levels of sE-selectin, sVCAM1, and sFlt-1 during pre-eclampsia. TheJournal of Maternal-fetal & Neonatal Medicine24(11):1371-1377.
  9. González M, Gallardo V, Rodríguez N, Salomón C, Westermeier F, Guzmán-Gutiérrez E, Abarzúa F, Leiva A, Casanello P, Sobrevia L. (2011). Insulin-stimulated L-arginine transport requires SLC7A1 gene expression and is associated with human umbilical vein relaxation.Journal of Cellular Physiology 226(11): 2916-2924.
  10. Sobrevia L, González M. (2009).A rol for insulin on L-arginine transport in fetal endothelial dysfunction in hyperglycaemia. Current Vascular Pharmacology 7 (4): 467-474.
  11. Casanello P, Krause B, Torres E, Gallardo V, González M, Prieto C, Escudero C, Farías M, Sobrevia L. (2009). Reduced L-arginine transport and nitric oxide synthesis in human umbilical vein endothelial cells from intrauterine growth restriction pregnancies is not further altered by hypoxia. Placenta. 30(7):625-33.
  12. Puebla C, Farías M, González M, Vecchiola A, Aguayo C, Krause B, Pastor-Anglada M, Casanello P, Sobrevia L. (2008). High D-glucose reduces SLC29A1 promoter activity and adenosine transport involving specific protein 1 in human umbilical vein endothelium. JournalCellPhysiology, 215(3):645-656.
  13. Casanello P, Torres A, Sanhueza F, González M, Farías M, Gallardo V, Pastor-Anglada M, San Martín R, Sobrevia L. (2005). Equilibrative nucleoside transporter 1 expression is downregulated by hypoxia in human umbilical vein endothelium. CirculationResearch,  97(1):16-24.
  14. Aguayo C, Casado J, González M, Pearson JD, San Martín R, Casanello P, Pastor-Anglada M, Sobrevia L. (2005). Equilibrative nucleoside transporter 2 is expressed in human umbilical vein endothelium, but is not involved in the inhibition of adenosine transport induced by hyperglycaemia. Placenta, 26(8-9):641-653.
  15. Vásquez G, Sanhueza F, Vásquez R, González M, San Martín R, Casanello P, Sobrevia L. (2004). Role of adenosine transport in gestational diabetes-induced L-arginine transport and nitric oxide synthesis in human umbilical vein endothelium.Journal of Physiology, 560:111-122.
  16. González M, Flores C, Pearson JD, Casanello P, Sobrevia L. (2004). Cell signalling-mediating insulin increase of mRNA expression for cationic amino acid transporters 1 and 2, and membrane hyperpolarization in human umbilical vein endothelium. Pflügers Archives – European Journal of Physiology: 448: 383-394.
  1. Escudero C, Gonzalez M, Acurio J, Valenzuela F, Sobrevia L. The role of placenta in the fetal programming associated to gestational diabetes (2013). In Gestational Diabetes – Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment. Eds. Sobrevia L. Ed.  InTech. In press.
  2. Sobrevia L, Guzmán-Gutiérrez E, Westermeier F, Salomón C, Arroyo P, Palacios E, Bugueño K, Santos M, Diez de Medina C, González M, Escudero C, Mate A, Vásquez CM, Pardo F, Leiva A (2012). Fetoplacental Vascular Pathophysiology In Preeclampsia. In: Recent Research Developments in Physiology. Eds. Pandalai. Ed. Research Signpost, India. Chapter 7, pg 105-158.
  3.  González M, Muñoz E, Puebla C, Guzmán-Gutiérrez E, Cifuentes F, NienJK, Abarzúa F, Leiva A, Casanello P, Sobrevia L. (2011). Maternal and fetal metabolic dysfunction in pregnancy diseases associated with vascular oxidative and nitrative stress. In: The Molecular Basis for Origin of Fetal Congenital Abnormalities and Maternal Health: An overview of Association with Oxidative Stress. 1: 98-115. Eds. BM Matata, M Elahi. Ed. Bentham Science Publisher, USA.