Enrique Guzmán

Enrique Guzmán


  • Enrique Guzmán-Gutiérrez, BSc, MSc, PhD
  • Group of Research and Innovation in Vascular Health (GRIVAS Health)
  • Investigator Professor
  • Faculty of Health Sciences
  • Universidad San Sebastián
  • Concepción, Chile
  • Phone: 56-41-2487265
  • Mobil: 56-9-51203525
  • PI. CONICYT 24120944, Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica  (CONICYT) from Chile. 2012-2014.
  • PI. CONICYT Research visit grant, 2012.
  • CONICYT International Congress Attendance 2012.
  • CONICYT fellowship 2010-2014
  • Young Investigator (Travel Award). Dr. YW Loke, IFPA 2010.
  • Young Investigator (Travel Award). Dr. YW Loke, IFPA 2012.
  • Full Member of The Sociedad Chilena de Ciencias Fisiológicas (SCHCF).
  • Affiliate Member of Physiology Society (UK)
  • Chile, Germany, UK, Spain and Italy

(*Corresponding Author)

  1.  Salsoso R, Guzmán-Gutiérrez E, Arroyo P, Salomón C, Zambrano S, Ruiz-Armenta MV, Blanca AJ, Pardo F, Leiva A, Mate A, Sobrevia L*, Vázquez CM*. Reduced L-carnitine transport in aortic endothelial cells from spontaneously hypertensive rats. PLoS One 2014;9:e90339.
  2.  Guzmán-Gutiérrez E*, Arroyo P, Salsoso R, Fuenzalida B, Sáez T, Leiva A, Pardo F, Sobrevia L*. Role of Insulin and Adenosine in the Human Placenta Microvascular and Macrovascular Endothelial Cell Dysfunction in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus. Microcirculation 2014; 21:26-37.
  3.  Arroyo P, Guzmán-Gutiérrez E, Pardo F, Salomón C, Westermeier F, Salsoso R, Sáez T, Leiva A, Sobrevia L*. Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and the Role of Adenosine in the Human Placental Endothelium and Central Nervous System. GJPM 2013 (Acepted).
  4. Pardo F, Arroyo P, Salomón C, Westermeier F, Salsoso R, Sáez T, Guzmán-Gutiérrez E, Leiva A, Sobrevia L*. Role of Equilibrative Adenosine Transporters and Adenosine Receptors as Modulators of the Human Placental Endothelium in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus. Placenta 2013. doi: 10.1016/j.placenta.2013.09.007.
  5. Leiva A*, Diez de Medina C, Sáez T, San Martín S, Abarzúa F, Farías M, Guzmán-Gutiérrez E, Pardo F, Sobrevia L*. Maternal hypercholesterolemia in pregnancy associates with placenta endotelial dysfunction: role of eNOS and arginase II. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2013; 33:2444-2453.
  6. Aravena C, Beltrán AR, Cornejo M, Torres V, Díaz ES, Guzmán-Gutiérrez E, Pardo F, Leiva A, Sobrevia L*, Ramírez MA*. Potential Role of Sodium-Proton Exchangers in the Low Concentration Arsenic Trioxide-Increased Intracellular pH and Cell Proliferation. PLoS One 2012; 7:e51451.
  7. Guzmán-Gutiérrez E, Westermeier F, Salomón C, González M, Pardo F, Leiva A, Sobrevia L*. Insulin-Increased L-Arginine Transport Requires A(2A) Adenosine Receptors Activation in Human Umbilical Vein Endothelium. PLoS One 2012; 7:e41705.
  8. Salomón C, Westermeier F, Puebla C, Arroyo P, Guzmán-Gutiérrez E, Pardo F, Leiva A, Casanello P, Sobrevia L*. Gestational diabetes reduces adenosine transport in human placental microvascular endothelium, an effect reversed by insulin. PLoS One 2012; 7:e40578.
  9. Guzmán-Gutiérrez E, Abarzúa F, Belmar C, Nien JK, Ramírez MA, Arroyo P, Salomón C, Westermeier F, Puebla C, Leiva A, Casanello P, Sobrevia L*. Functional link between adenosine and insulin: a hypothesis for fetoplacental vascular endothelial dysfunction in gestational diabetes. Curr Vasc Pharmacol 2011; 9:750-762.
  10. Westermeier F, Salomón C, González M, Puebla C, Guzmán-Gutiérrez E, Cifuentes F, Leiva A, Casanello P, Sobrevia L*. Insulin restores restational diabetes mellitus-reduced adenosine transport involving differential expression of insulin receptor isoforms in human umbilical vein endothelium. Diabetes 2011; 60:1677-87.
  11. González M, Gallardo V, Rodríguez N, Salomón C, Westermeier F, Guzmán-Gutiérrez E, Leiva A, Abarzúa F, Casanello P, Sobrevia L*. Insulin-stimulated L-arginine transport requires SLC7A1 gene expression and is associated with human umbilical vein relaxation. J Cell Physiol 2011; 226:2916-24.
  12. Sobrevia L*, Abarzúa F, Nien JK, Salomón C, Westermeier F, Puebla C, Cifuentes F, Guzmán-Gutiérrez E, Leiva A, Casanello P. Review: Differential placental macrovascular and microvascular endothelial dysfunction in gestational diabetes. Placenta 2011; 32:S159-S164.
  13. Guzmán-Gutiérrez E, Sandoval C, Nova E, Castillo JL, Vera JC, Lamperti L, Krause B, Salomon C, Sepulveda C, Aguayo C, Sobrevia L*. Differential expression of functional nucleoside transporters in non-differentiated and differentiated human endothelial progenitor cells. Placenta 2010, 31:928-936.
  1. Sobrevia L*, Sáez T, Fuenzalida B, Salsoso R, Vázquez MC, Arroyo P, Guzmán-Gutiérrez E, Pardo F, Leiva A. Transporte transplacentario de calcio en Salud y Enfermedad. Buenos Aires, Argentina. DANONE (In Press).
  2. Leiva L, Diez de Medina C, Guzmán-Gutiérrez E, Pardo F,  Sobrevia L*. Gestational Diabetes – Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment (2013). Ed. Luis Sobrevia. Maternal Hypercholesterolemia in Gestational Diabetes and the Association with Placental Endothelial Dysfunction. Rijeka, Croatia. In Tech. Chapter 6, pg 103-133.
  3. Guzmán-Gutiérrez E, Arroyo P, Pardo F, Leiva A, Sobrevia L*. Gestational Diabetes – Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment (2013). Ed. Luis Sobrevia. The Adenosine–Insulin Signaling Axis in the Fetoplacental Endothelial Dysfunction in Gestational Diabetes. In Tech. Rijeka, Croatia. Chapter 4, pg 49-77.
  4. Sobrevia L*, Guzman-Gutierrez E, Westermeier F, Salomon C, Arroyo P, Palacios E, Bugueño K, Santos M, Diez de Molina C, Gonzalez M, Escudero C, Mate A, Vazquez C, Pardo F, Leiva A.  Recent research developments in physiology (2012). Eds. Shankar Pandalai. Fetoplacental vascular pathophysiology in preeclampsia. Research signpost. Kerala, India. Chapter 7, pg 105-158.
  5. González M, Muñoz E, Puebla C, Guzmán-Gutiérrez E, Cifuentes F, Nien JK, Abarzúa F, Leiva A, Casanello P, Sobrevia L*. The molecular basis for origin of fetal congenital abnormalities and maternal health: An Overview of association with oxidative stress (2011). Eds. BM Matata, M Elahi. Maternal and fetal metabolic dysfunction in pregnancy diseases associated with vascular oxidative and nitrative stress. Bentham, USA. Chapter 8, pg 98-115.